API Client

Communicating with Zywave's public APIs, consistently

The Application Framework offers a small library that helps with calling Zywave's public APIs. If you're using the API Proxy Element, authorization headers will be applied for you instead!

Note: All code examples on this page assume you are loading the Application Framework from the @zywave/zywave-api-toolkit-bundle. This client is also offered via npm/yarn should you so desire at @zywave/zywave-api-client.


ZywaveApiClient has a single method on it: fetch. This method is a passthrough to the Fetch API and supports all parameters. It will return a Promise<Response> to be used as needed.

Creating a ZywaveApiClient

There are two ways to create a ZywaveApiClient:

  1. Implicit authorization via the API Proxy Element
  2. Explicit authorization with proper authorization headers

With API Proxy Element

The Zywave API Client will look for <zywave-api-proxy> on your page.

// there are configuration options available; by passing no options, the client will assume
// that you want to use the proxy element. This element MUST be attached to the DOM _before_ executing this code
const client = new window.zywave.ZywaveApiClient();
const accountId = 12345;
// ZywaveApiClient.prototype.fetch works _just_ like window.fetch, except you can also pass it a URL object for the first parameter
const response = await client.fetch(`accounts/v2.0/account/${accountId}`, {
/* optional RequestInit, like headers */

const account = await response.json();

Without API Proxy Element

const client = new window.zywave.ZywaveApiClient({
apiBaseUrl: "https://api.zywave.com", // required
// one of the following options is required
bearerToken: "", /* option 1 */
profileToken: "" /* option 2 */

const accountId = 12345;
const response = await client.fetch(`accounts/v2.0/account/${accountId}`);

const account = await response.json();
